Tuesday, March 20, 2007

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betsy said...

your photos are good!

I am knitting a cap with Paton's SWS (soy wool stripes) - great colors but too 'wooly' for the springy weather. When I finish it, I'll have to put it away until the depths of next winter.

LifeToTheFull said...

Thanks. Of course the photos are a few years old. Hoping to have some pretty new ones now that my tummy is receding due to my frenetic exercise schedule.

I'd love to see a pic of your Paton's SWS cap in progress if you get time to post it. I too knit inappropriate to the season, but how else will we have these beautiful, warm things to wear when the season rolls around? Knit myself something in the months before Xmas? Yeah right! So you go, girl!